Inclusion of Efficient Microorganisms in the Diet of Pigs Before Weaning

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Rolando Rolo López Rivera
Ramona Gamboa Castañeda
Felícita D. Lorez Diaz


Context: Because of the high competitiveness of pork in nutrition, modern swine breeders must search for production techniques that help solve the average low weights of weaning pigs.

Aim: To evaluate the inclusion of efficient microorganisms in the diet of pigs before weaning, to increase production yields.

Methods: The preparation of efficient microorganisms was based on dry leaves, rice semolina, molasses, and whey. The experiment consisted of 4 treatments and 3 repetitions per treatment, on a completely randomized treatment, with 6 animals per sty. The animals had equal feeding and handling conditions. The efficient microorganism inclusion rate was 0, 5, 10, and 15mL/kg live weight, respectively. The data were processed through a one-way analysis of variance, using Statgraphics plus 5.1.

Results: The best results were observed in the 15ml/kg live weight (9.33 kg average weight) treatment, with mean daily gain of 0.24 kg, feed conversion of 0.34 kg, and 100% variability, having significant differences from the other treatments (P<0.05)

Conclusions: The best treatment was the 15ml/kg live weight in all the variants evaluated, thus indicating the effectiveness of efficient microorganisms in swine production.  The average consumption led to weight increases and conversion, thus ensuring greater meat yields in the stages of growth and development.

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Cómo citar
López Rivera, R. R., Gamboa Castañeda, R., & Lorez Diaz, F. D. (2021). Inclusion of Efficient Microorganisms in the Diet of Pigs Before Weaning. Agrisost, 27(2), 1–5.
Sostenibilidad de la producción agropecuaria


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