Sustainability of bean producing farms in municipalities of the Granma province
Main Article Content
Context: In bean cultivation, it is necessary to implement effective sustainable practices, such as the efficient use of external inputs, agroecological practices, soil management and conservation, accompanied by the consolidation of value chains in which better management skills are observed.
Objective: The objective of the research was to evaluate the sustainability of farms dedicated to bean production in municipalities of the Granma province.
Methods: The research was based on the principles of Participatory Action Research based on the integration of multi-criteria analysis methods and tools for the study and evaluation of sustainability. To obtain the necessary information and the analysis of the dimensions (economic, ecological and sociocultural), exploratory tours and informal interviews, observations and measurements, and adaptation were combined, subsequently the value of each index (ecological, economic and social) was calculated. and the General Sustainability Index (IGS).
Results: In the ecological dimension, 5 farms presented an index greater than 0.7; The La América and El Porvenir farms showed lower indices. Results similar to those described were observed in the economic dimension and the greatest difficulties are presented in the indicators related to the use, generation and maximum use of energy in the system. In the social dimension, all the farms were above the sustainability threshold, 0.5. The IGS is in accordance with the ecological, economic and social dimension of the farms analyzed.
Conclusions: The sustainability indicators evaluated show more favorable values in farms that implement a greater number of agroecological practices and knowledge that affect bean production. The La Victoria farm has the highest ÍGS for the agroecological activities implemented, the best management and conservation of soils, production and use of energy and exchange of knowledge.
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How to Cite
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