Polyscias fruticosa L. in Cuba. Use Value

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Alejandro Miguel Hernández Peña
Liris Ania Hernández Pérez


Context: The presence of previously unrecorded plant species in Cuba, from genus Polyscias (Araliaceae), in gardens in the city of Holguín, created the need to conduct a research study to determine their identity, origin, and properties.

Aims: To unveil the nomenclature, taxonomy, and taxon description, and to provide an illustration of the plant, and comment on the main qualities that determine its usefulness, which goes beyond the ornamental value.

Methods: Botanical methods like collection and herborization, matching to specimens from scientific collections, and comparison of descriptors and keys in specialized catalogs, including the description, and scientific illustration.

Results: The presence of Polyscias fruticosa L. was confirmed in Cuba. The nomenclature of the plant was determined, and an analytical key was created for contrasting to other members within the genus, which have already been recorded in Cuba. Aspects related to the usefulness for gardening and medicine, based on the presence of triterpenes, glycosides, steroids, saponins, and polyacetylene are commented.

Conclusions: Polyscias fruticosa L. should be included in the catalogs and scientific journals of Cuban flora. The studies of economic botany in Cuba must focus more on the plant’s usefulness for gardening and traditional medicine.

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Cómo citar
Hernández Peña, A. M., & Hernández Pérez, L. A. (2020). Polyscias fruticosa L. in Cuba. Use Value. Agrisost, 26(3), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7963018
Novum cubanus plantae coluerunt


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