Depth, Weight, and Volume of Tomato Roots (Solanum lycopersicon) cv. Piedro in Greenhouse Conditions

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Manuel Alfredo Hernández Victoria
Modesto Salvador Ponce Hernández
Sabás Álvarez Montalvo
Mara Armas Recio


This research was done to determine the distribution of the root system of tomatoes as a way to perform more accurate agrotechnical conditions. It was conducted in San Pedro Pinampiro Canton, province of Imbadura, Ecuador, between July 10, 2015, and the second fortnight of January 2016. Monoliths were used to determine root distribution, considering the diameter, length, mass, and volume of roots between 0.10 and 0.40 m. The largest root volume was found in the 0-10 m deep profile.


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How to Cite
Hernández Victoria, M. A., Ponce Hernández, M. S., Álvarez Montalvo, S., & Armas Recio, M. (2018). Depth, Weight, and Volume of Tomato Roots (Solanum lycopersicon) cv. Piedro in Greenhouse Conditions. Agrisost, 24(2), 110-114.
Sustainable Land Management

How to Cite

Hernández Victoria, M. A., Ponce Hernández, M. S., Álvarez Montalvo, S., & Armas Recio, M. (2018). Depth, Weight, and Volume of Tomato Roots (Solanum lycopersicon) cv. Piedro in Greenhouse Conditions. Agrisost, 24(2), 110-114.


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